
New International Passenger Rules By Thailand Governmet- 2023 Update

Yes actually, in order to maintain the safety & security of the nation and its residents as well as to promote international trade and travel, the Thai government has announced new international passenger guidelines for 2023. Like every country, Thailand also imposes strict rules for passengers or travelers in order to keep their border secure from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Since 10th January 2023 with the diminishing severity of the pandemic, all countries and states change their traveling rules to ease the procedure for international passengers. The recent announcement focuses on cutting the strict rules to show their vaccination certificate or certified health approvals for departing travelers. This should lessen traveler anxiety and cut back on preparation time and paperwork needs. The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and the Directorate of Disease Control (“DDC”) released “Public Health Criteria for Foreign Visitors Entering Thailand” on January 10, 2023, which are listed down:

Thailand Governments New International Passenger Rules 2023

  • COVID-19 vaccination evidence would be no longer necessary. Without any COVID limits imposed, everyone can visit Thailand without any legal constraints.
  • While visiting Thailand, it is still highly suggested to travelers obtain travel insurance. Airline employees and students who have business relations may provide an official document from their landlord or another type of insurance that satisfies the same criteria.
  • If a tourist from one of the nations on the list fails to provide proof of insurance, passengers will need to buy health insurance before being permitted through Immigration. Quarantine agents will randomly inspect travelers from the affected countries for proof of insurance.
  • Passengers coming from and going to nations like China and India that demand an RT-PCR COVID check for arriving travelers are required to get travel insurance. The insurance policy is required to remain in validity for at least 7 days before the trip to Thailand. Passengers in transit or on a transfer do not need to provide evidence of health insurance
  • The airlines must abide by relevant laws and guidelines, such as those that require passengers to always wear masks unless when eating or in an urgent situation.
  • A passenger reporting COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival would be urged to undergo a COVID-19 examination in the departures area.
  • Normally, visitors entering Thailand could be inquired about a location there. Private lodging in the form of a home or flat may be offered by Passengers. Whenever staying in a hotel, the traveler must make a reservation in advance.
  • Passport holders from the respective nations and territories are eligible to enter Thailand under the tourist visa exemption program during this time, and their maximum stay per visit is limited to 45 days.

Final Thoughts 

Both the CAAT’s (Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand) Notification to Air Missions and the DDC’s (Department of Disease Control) Public Health Precautions for International Visitors Entering Thailand will be in place starting on January 10th, 2023, until further notice. The MoPH (Ministry of Public Health) states that the demand for health insurance will be automatically removed once a nation removes its requirement for an RT-PCR prior to entrance. 

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